
This site is a long delayed obedience, and I hope will soon have more caretakers than one. I am passionate about the work God is doing in our city and hope to serve in whatever way he leads.

Almost five hundred years ago Martin Luther and the other reformers of the time observed the state of the church and were inspired to challenge the understanding and practice of the day. The rallying cry was ‘the priesthood of all believers’. Among other things this reformation restored the direct connection between God and every person—theologically, individually, but to a lesser degree in gatherings of believers. The reformation was poured into an old wineskin—a similar way of ‘doing church’ with a similar clergy/laity divide. The priesthood largely remained the recipient of religious services.

This has improved over time, but the same spirit and same division lingers in the church at large. The time has come to reorient our expectations, clarify our understanding, and live more fully the every-member functioning body pictured in scripture.

It is increasingly important for Christ followers to live by the Spirit and be tightly connected to others who know how to ‘be the church’. This site is for all believers in Cincinnati. Let us become more like Christ. Let us learn to function even more as the church in our informal gatherings. Let us be even more on mission in our organized church communities. And let us be even more the unified body that glorifies God in the city—The Church of Cincinnati.
